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英文主旨发言 专题报道3:Jinyan Huang

时间:2019-04-01 点击:作者:

Jinyan Huang Dual-degree Education and the Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education: Challenges and Implications

原创:Jinyan Huang整理:张艳梅   2019-4-1  


2019年3月29日至31日,由威客电竞官方网站和中国学术英语教学研究会联合主办,外语教学与研究出版社、上海外语教育出版社、北京文华在线教育科技股份有限公司协办,vkgame电竞官网承办的“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“在威客电竞官方网站成功召开。研讨会共有12位来自海内外的知名专家做大会主旨发言,其中杨信彰教授、雷蕾教授、Karl Maton Jinyan HuangJohn SpiridakisBruce Morrison六位专家全程用英文做主旨发言。现将六位主旨发言的发言摘要6篇依次整理或简要介绍,以飨读者。

本文为第3篇,对来自美国尼亚加拉大学Jinyan Huang教授2019年3月30日下午在“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“上所作的主旨发言作简要介绍,并附上英文摘要对照稿。

Jinyan Huang教授

Jinyan Huang教授所作的英文主旨发言题为Dual-degree Education and the Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education: Challenges and Implications”(双学位教育模式与中国高等教育国际化:挑战与启示)。


Jinyan Huang教授的主旨发言,概述了美国高等教育中的双学位教育模式和中国高等教育的国际化,同时也基于武汉理工学院本科生对双学位教育模式的满意度调查,向与会专家汇报了实证研究的成果,并探讨其带给我们的教育启示。

附:Jinyan Huang教授简要介绍及发言英文摘要

Dr. Jinyan Huang is currently a tenured full professor and full-time Ph.D. faculty member at the College of Education of Niagara University, responsible for teaching advanced quantitative research methods courses including assessment and measurement and supervising Ph.D. dissertations. Dr. Huang earned his Ph.D. (2007) in measurement and quantitative research methods from Queen's University at Kingston in Canada. As part of his Ph.D. program, he studied at the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (2004) at the University of Alberta in Canada. Dr. Huang’s areas of research center on large-scale assessment, leadership, and policy issues. Specifically, he is interested in the following three issues: a) factors or level of factors that affect students’ large-scale standardized test scores; b) assessment issues (reliability, validity, and fairness) in schools and universities; and c) the use of assessment data for supporting leadership and policies. Such a focus enables Dr. Huang to concentrate on the use of his research expertise in multivariate statistical methods, factor analysis and structural equation modeling, hierarchal linear modeling, generalizability theory, item response theory, and geographic information system. He is currently serving as editor of Language and Communication Quarterly and Leadership and Policy Quarterly. He is also serving as an editorial review board member of TESOL Journal and World Journal of Education, and a reviewer forTheModern Language Journal, Assessing Writing, Language Assessment Quarterly, Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration, Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, Measurement, International Journal of Testing, Behavior Research Methods, and Learning and Individual Differences.    


Dual-degree Education and the Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education: Challenges and Implications


Internationalization is a major trend in higher education. It has become a worldwide phenomenon. The internationalization in higher education is the process of integrating an international perspective into a college or university system. The internationalized curricula, the internationalized classrooms, the internationalized campuses, the internationalized talents, and dual degree programs are the hot topics in the current research of the internationalization of higher education. This keynote speech provides an overview of dual degree programs in American higher education as well as the internationalization of Chinese Higher Education. It also reports the results of an empirical study examining undergraduate students’ satisfaction with the English dual degree programs at Wuhan Institute of Technology. Important educational implications are discussed.

上一篇:英文主旨发言 专题报道4:John Spiridakis

下一篇: 英文主旨发言 专题报道2:杨信彰教授



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