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黄金岩(哲学博士),威客电竞官方网站外国语学院讲座教授。美国尼亚加拉大学 (Niagara University) 终身教授、博士生导师。加拿大皇后大学 (Queen’s University)“教育测量与研究方法”哲学博士、中国国家优秀自费留学博士生奖学金2004年获得者、加拿大阿尔伯达大学 (University of Alberta)“教育测量与评估”访问博士、美国杨伯翰大学 (Brigham Young University) “英语作为第二语言教学”硕士、中国湖南师范大学 (Hunan Normal University)“英语教育”学士、美国国家教师认证委员会(NCATE)项目评估专家理事会理事、美国 TESOL项目 (NCATE/TESOL) 评估专家、美国新思路研究中心 (Untested Ideas Research Center®)主任兼首席研究科学家、 国际杂志 《语言与交际季刊》(Language and Communication Quarterly)、《领导与政策季刊》(Leadership and Policy Quarterly) 、《教育与文化国际杂志》 (International Journal of Education and Culture)、《TESOL与学习国际杂志》(InternationalJournal of TESOL and Learning) 、《社会与教育排名国际杂志》(International Journal of Social and Educational Rankings) 、《中美教育》(China-US Education)总编。 自1998年起先后自费留学美国杨伯翰大学、加拿大阿尔伯达大学、加拿大皇后大学。2000年获得美国杨伯翰大学“英语作为第二语言教学”(TESOL)硕士。2007年获得加拿大皇后大学哲学博士、先后供职于美国犹他州多语国际公司、美国波士顿狮子桥科技公司、加拿大安大略省教育部所属教育测试公司、美国尼亚加拉大学。自2009年起一直担任美国国家教师认证委员会项目评估专家理事会理事和美国 TESOL 项目评估专家。自2012年起担任美国新思路研究中心首席研究科学家及学术杂志总编。主要研究领域为:教育测量评估与大型测试、英语作为第二语言教学、领导与政策研究。曾主持各级科研项目20多项。出版专著13部。在20多种国际学术期刊发表论文46篇。先后为博士生、研究生及本科生讲授27门专业课。

自一九九八年起先后自费留学美国杨伯翰大学(Brigham Young University)、加拿大皇后大学 (Queen’s University)、加拿大阿尔伯达大学(University of Alberta)。先后供职于美国杨伯翰大学(Brigham Young University)英语中心、美国犹他州多语国际公司(MultiLing International, Inc.)、美国波士顿狮子桥科技公司(Lionbridge Technologies, Inc.)、加拿大安大略省教育部所属教育测试公司(EQAO)、 美国尼亚加拉大学(NiagaraUniversity) 。

曾主持各级科研项目20多项。获得科研资助累计130107美元。出版专著13部、其中3部被几所美国大学选用为博士生和硕士课程教材。在《Assessing Writing》、 《Language Assessment Quarterly》、《The Modern Languages Journal》、 《TESOL Journal》、 《International Journal of TESOL and Learning》、 《Language and Communication Quarterly》、 《Leadership and Policy Quarterly》、 《International Journal of Education and Culture》、 《Journal of Instructional Psychology》、 《International Journal of Applied Educational Studies》、 《Canadian and International Education》、 《Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports》、 《Education》、 《College Student Journal》等20多种国际学术期刊发表论文46篇。论文被广泛引用。

先后为博士生、研究生及本科生讲授Ph.D. Dissertation、Researchand Statistics、Advanced Quantitative Research、Master’s Thesis、EducationalMeasurement、Assessment of Students with Exceptionalities、Foundations of Bilingual Education and TESOL、Developing ESL Literacy through Multicultural Literature、Language and Linguistics in the ESL Classroom、Sociolinguistic Considerations in TESL、Educational Research and Statistics、Content Area Methods for ESL Classrooms、Curricular Applications in Teaching ESL、Student Teaching in ESL Classrooms (K-12) 、Assessment of Learning、Human Development, Learning and Motivation等27门专业课。所授课程深受学生喜爱和领导、同事好评。









1.Han, T. (2013). TheImpact of rating methods and rater training on the variability and reliabilityof EFL students' classroom-based writing assessments in Turkish universities:An investigation of problems and solutions(土耳其Atatürk University)

2.Latorre, J. T. (2014). Leadershippreparation in engineering: A study of perceptions of leadership attributes,preparedness, and policy implications (美国Niagara University)

3.Spence-Ariemma, M. J.(2014). Academic leadership in higher education: Using generalizabilitytheory and structural equation modeling approaches to examine academicleadership effectiveness and behavioral complexity in a Canadian college from afaculty perspective(美国NiagaraUniversity)

4.Reilly, M. (2014). Leadershipand work ethic in skilled trade business: What leaders can do to leadcross-generational skilled workers to ‘want to’ work? – A mixed-methods studyexamining differences in worker and manager perceptions of leadershipeffectiveness in developing worker work ethic (美国NiagaraUniversity)

5.Hairston, L. (2015). Examiningeffectiveness and policy implications of university campus suicide preventionprograms: A multi-dimensional perspective (美国NiagaraUniversity)

6.Moffatt, S. (2015). Thedevelopment of a self-advocacy survey for B-6 children with hearing loss (美国Niagara University)

7.Karcz, K. (2015). Academicanxiety and leadership and policy implications: A mixed-methods study of internationalstudents at a Canadian institution(美国Niagara University)

8.Tavano, H. (2015).Service Learning/Community Based Learning in Higher Education(美国Niagara University)


1.Lewis, C. (2012). Motivatorsin elementary classrooms: A quantitative investigation of gender differences(美国Niagara University)

2.Elorbany, R. (2012). Examiningthe impact of rater education background on ESL writing assessment: Ageneralizability approach (美国NiagaraUniversity)

3Fernandes, A. (2010). Teacher perceptions of the impact of classroomseating arrangements on student participation: An internationalperspective (美国NiagaraUniversity)


1.Levey,H. (2014). The facilitator role of an ESL teacher in the classroom (美国Niagara University)

2.Felser,M. (2011). Should English language learners be treated as special educationstudents in our schools? (美国Niagara University)

3.JenniferHoess. (2010). Intercultural communication: Challenges and implications forGerman L1 ESL Learners(美国Niagara University)

4.AshleighBowers. (2010). Intercultural communication and miscommunication: Implicationsfor ESL learners and teachers (美国Niagara University)

5.JenniferHoess. (2010). English training programs for ESL adult learners in the community(美国Niagara University)

6.DeborahRivera. (2010). Intercultural communication: Challenges and implications forSpanish L1 ESL Learners(美国Niagara University)

7.KelliSchnapp. (2009). English language learners and high-stakes tests: Issues,concerns, and solutions(美国Niagara University)

8.SusanHagner. (2008). Advanced ESOL teaching methodology training program(美国Niagara University)

9.JenniferConway. (2008). Advanced ESOL American culture instructional program(美国Niagara University)

10.EllenBenigno. (2008). English as a second language book club for 7th and 8thgrades(美国NiagaraUniversity)



1.Huang,J., & Fernandes, A. C. (2014). Non-nativelanguage teaching and learning: Putting the puzzle together. NiagaraFalls: Untested Ideas Research Center [ISBN: ISBN 978-1-62520-022-8]

2. Pang, N.S., & Huang, J. (2014). East-west perspectives on educational leadershipand policy. Niagara Falls: Untested Ideas Research Center [ISBN:978-1-62520-035-8]

3. Huang, J., & Han, T. (2014). Empirical quantitativeresearch in social sciences: Examining significant differences andrelationships. Niagara Falls: Untested Ideas Research Center [ISBN:978-1-62520-015-0]

4. Huang, J. (2013). Empirical generalizability theoryresearch: Examining rating variability, reliability and validity issues.Niagara Falls: Untested Ideas Research Center [ISBN: 978-1-62520-013-6]

5. Huang, J., & Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2013). Empiricallanguage research: Letting the data speak for themselves. Niagara Falls:Untested Ideas Research Center [ISBN: 978-1-62520-001-3]

6. Huang, J. (2013). East meets west: Chinese ESL students inNorth American higher education. Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.[ISBN: 978-1-62618-195-3]

7. Huang, J. (2012). Fairness in large-scale ESL writingassessments – Investigating evidence through generalizability theory.Saarbrücken: LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. [ISBN:978-3-659-19364-4]

8. Huang, J. (2012). Overcoming foreign language classroomanxiety. Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [ISBN: 978-1-61324-775-4]

9.Bond, S., Qian, J., & Huang, J. (2003). The role of the faculty in theinternationalization of the undergraduate curriculum and classroom experience.Ottawa: CanadianBureau for International Education

10. Ma,Y., Huang, J., Chen, J., & Sun, A. (1996). Basic, important and difficult points inteaching "SeniorEnglish for China (I)". Changsha: Hunan Normal UniversityPress

11. Ma,Y., Huang, J., Cao, W., & Ren, Q. (1996). Basic,important and difficult points in teaching "Senior English for China (II)".Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press

12. Ma,Y., Huang, J., Cao, W., & Huang, X. (1995).Basic, important anddifficult points in teaching "JuniorEnglish for China".Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press

13. Ma,Y., & Huang, J. (1992). Apractical guide to English teaching methodology. Changsha: HunanNormal University Press


1. Huang, J., Han, T., Tavano, H., & Hairston, L. (2014).Using generalizability theory to examine the impact of essay quality on ESOLwriting assessment – A Turkish case study. China-US Education, 1(1),3-20.

2. Huang, J., & Tavano, H. (2013). Developing ESOL students’intercultural

communicative competence: Importance, challenges, andimplications.

Language and Communication Quarterly, 2(3),164-174.

3. Huang, J., & Marwaha, S. (2013). Interculturalmiscommunication: Causes and impact on ESOL students’ learning. InternationalJournal of TESOL and Learning, 2(3), 156-169.

4. Huang,J., Moffatt, S., & Flynn, K. (2013). Significant predictors of Chinesecollege students’ performance on an English pragmatic competence test. InternationalJournal of TESOL and Learning, 2(4), 200-212.

5. Huang, J., Cameron, K., & Wolf, M. (2013). Gender and majordifferences in Chinese college students’ performance on an English pragmaticcompetence test. Language and Communication Quarterly, 2(4), 230-241.

6. Cianca, S. & Huang, J. (2013). Cultures and philosophies: Aprofessor with a Western Socratic-based philosophy and her peer with an EasternConfucius-based philosophy internationalize curriculum. InternationalJournal of Education and Culture, 2(4), 230-245.

7.Huang, J., & Reilly, M. (2013). Using generalizability theory to examinemanager and worker perceptions of skilled trades business leadershipeffectiveness and ineffectiveness. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 2(2),59-80.

8. Huang, J., & Han, T. (2013). Holistic or analytic? – An EFLinstitutional writing assessment dilemma for policy makers. Leadership andPolicy Quarterly, 2(1), 1-18.

9.Huang, J., Sheeran, T, Zhao, B., & Xiong, Y. (2013). Faculty perceptions ofassessing ESOL students’ pragmatic competence: The hidden face ofcommunication. Language and Communication Quarterly, 2(1), 1-21.

10. Huang, J., & Fernandes, A. C. (2013). Theimpact of cultural influences on seating arrangement selections and studentsystematic learning in the classroom: An international perspective. International JournalofEducation and Culture, 2(1), 1-15.

11. Huang, J., & Latorre, J. (2013). Using generalizabilitytheory to examine the task and rating effects on large-scale ESL writingassessment – A Canadian case study. International Journal of TESOL andLearning, 2(1), 1-21.

12. Lewis, C., & Huang, J. (2012). Motivators in theelementary classroom: A quantitative investigation of gender differences. InternationalJournal of Education and Culture, 1(1), 2-29.

13. Fernandes, A. C., & Huang, J. (2012). Teacherperceptions of the impact of seating arrangements on student participation inthe classroom: A North American perspective. InternationalJournal of TESOL and Learning, 1(1), 17-34.

14. Elorbany, R., & Huang, J. (2012). Examining the impact ofrater educational background on ESL writing assessment: A generalizabilitytheory approach. Language and Communication Quarterly, 1(1), 2-24.

15. Huang, J. (2012). Using generalizability theory to examine theaccuracy and validity of large-scale ESL writing. Assessing Writing, 17(3),123-139.

16. Fernandes, A. C. & Huang, J. (2012). Chineseteacher perceptions of the impact of classroom seating arrangements on studentparticipation. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, 13(1),49-67.

17. Huang, J., & Han, J. (2012). Revisiting differential itemfunctioning: Implications for fairness investigation. International Journalof Education, 4(2), 74-86.

18. Huang, J., Adams, A. L., & Pudwill, J. (2012). Theassessment of special education students: A North American overview. InternationalJournal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(3), 15-22.

19. Huang, J., Han, T., & Schnapp, K. (2012). Do high-stakestests really address English language learners’ learning needs? – A discussionof issues, concerns, and implications. International Journal of Learning andDevelopment, 2(1), 499-508.

20. Huang, J., Dotterweich, E., & Bowers, A. (2012).Intercultural miscommunication: Impact on ESOL students and implications forESOL teachers. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 39(1), 36-40.

21. Qiu, A., & Huang, J. (2012). The effects of dynamic imageschema on ESL students’ systematic improvement of listening comprehension: Adynamic system theory perspective. International Journal of Learning andDevelopment, 2(1), 241-254.

22. Huang, J., Smith, A., & Smith M. (2011). Teacherperceptions of strategies for improving ESOL students’ academic English skills:A K-12 perspective. Canadian and International Education, 40(3), 61-80.

23. Huang, J., & Sheeran, T. (2011). Identifying causes ofEnglish-Chinese translation differential item functioning. InternationalJournal of Applied Educational Studies, 12(1), 16-32.

24. Huang, J. (2011). Generalizability theory as evidence ofconcerns about fairness in large-scale ESL writing assessments. TESOLJournal, 2(4), 423-443.

25. Huang, J., & Foote, C. (2011). Using generalizabilitytheory to examine scoring reliability and variability of judging panels inskating competitions. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(3),1-21.

26. Huang, J. (2011). Are ESOL students really experiencing highlevels of academic anxiety at North American universities? – Reports by Chinesegraduate students. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 14(2),35-41.

27. Fernandes, A. C., Huang, J., & Rinaldo, V. (2011). Doeswhere a student sits really matter? – The impact of seating locations onstudent classroom learning. International Journal of Applied EducationalStudies, 10(1), 66-77.

28. Huang, J., Clarke, K., Milczarski, E., & Raby, C. (2011).The assessment of ESOL students with learning disabilities: Issues, concerns,and implications. Education, 131(4), 732-739.

29. Huang, J., Foote, C. (2010). Gradingbetween the lines: What really impacts professors’ holistic evaluation of ESLgraduate student writing. Language Assessment Quarterly, 7(3),219-233.

30.Huang, J., Cunningham, J., & Finn, A. (2010). Teacher perceptions of ESOLstudents’ greatest challenges in academic English skills: A K-12 perspective. International Journalof Applied Educational Studies, 8(1), 68-80.

31. Huang, J. (2010). Applying item response theory in languagetest item bank building. By Gábor Szabó. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. Pp.194. TheModern Language Journal, 94, 374-375.

32.Huang, J. (2010). Infusing constructivism into a curriculum development course:A constructivist approach in the ESOL teacher education classroom. Journalfor the Practical Application of Constructivist Theory in Education, 5(1).

33.Huang, J., & Finn, A. (2009). Academic listening tests for ESOL students:Availability, concerns, and solution. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies,6(1), 46-55.

34. Huang, J. (2009). What happens whentwo cultures meet in the classroom? Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36(4),335-342.

35. Huang, J., & Cowden, P. (2009).Are Chinese students really quiet, passive and surface learners?– A culturalstudies perspective. Journal of Canadian and International Education, 38(2),75-88.

36.Huang, J. (2009). Factors affecting the assessment of ESL students’writing.International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, 5(1), 1-17.

37. Huang, J., & Rinaldo, V. (2009). Factorsaffecting Chinese graduate students’ cross-cultural learning at North Americanuniversities.International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, 4(1),1-13.

38. Huang, J., & Brown, K. (2009).Cultural factors affecting Chinese ESL students’ academic learning. Education,129(4), 643-653.

39.Cowden, P., Cianca, S., Hahn, L., Brown, K., Ciminelli, M., Huang, J., &Vermette, P. (2009). How graphic organizers, dish detergent, water,electric beaters, bowls, soap foam and a Professor… helped the students learnConstructivism – Inquiry-Based Learning. Journal for the PracticalApplication of Constructivist Theory in Education, 4(1).

40. Huang, J. (2008). How accurate are ESL students’ holisticwriting scores on large-scale assessments?–Ageneralizability theory approach. Assessing Writing, 13(3), 201-218.

41.Huang, J., & Klinger, D. (2006). Chinese graduate students at North Americanuniversities: Learning challenges and coping strategies. The Canadian andInternational Education Journal, 35(2), 48-61.

42.Bond, S., Jun, Q., & Huang, J. (2006). Good practices forinternationalizing the curriculum. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 43,1-4.

43.Huang, J. (2006). The effects of academic skills on Chinese ESL students’lecture comprehension. College Student Journal, 40(2), 385-392.

44.Huang, J. (2006). English abilities for academic listening: How confident areChinese students? College Student Journal, 40(1), 218-226.

45.Huang, J. (2005). Challenges of academic listening in English: Reports byChinese students. College Student Journal, 39(3), 553-569.

46.Huang, J. (2004). Voices from Chinese students: Professors’ use of Englishaffects academic listening. College Student Journal, 38(2), 212-223.


1.Examiningthe factors directly affecting EFL students’ English pragmatic competence: Astructural equation modeling approach

2.Usingitem response theory to construct an English pragmatic competence test forChinese college students

3.Fairlyassessing K-12 English language learners’ English: Implications for policymakers and classroom teachers



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